Mark Minkjan Mark Minkjan (30) Team leader for New Europeans. Mark is also a writer and editor.
12 February, Amsterdam

A sculpture by David Bade at The Wall

In collaboration with New Europeans and other participants, artist David Bade will create a frieze of our time at The Wall during the second half of April.

12 January 2016, Europe

People crossing streets in 42 European capital cities

Photographer Poike Stomps captured the European essence through people traversing streets.

5 January 2016, Amsterdam

Introducing New Europeans

Watch 12 New Europeans share their first ideas for the Europe of tomorrow.

20 december 2015, Lesbos, Greece

Refugees and tourists meet on Lesbos

The Island of All Together: two Dutch filmmakers capture conversations between refugees and tourists.

18 December 2015, Liverpool/London

Major arts prize goes to young collective of community builders

For the first time a collective of non-artists wins the Turner Prize. Assemble’s architectural work is about designing the social good.

15 December, 2015, Europe

Photographing 65.000km across Europe

What do you encounter when you explore Europe without a clear goal? Photographer YamandĂș Roos set out on a quest, guided by aimlessness.