Event Making Histories Mar14 2016, Amsterdam

David Bade installation – Call for participants

We are looking for groups of people to participate in an exciting collective sculpture project at the New Europeans test site: a frieze of our time.

Throughout history, walls and buildings have been adorned with decorative reliefs, depicting allegories or important moments in history, produced in an array of materials. Today’s perspectives can change in the blink of an eye. The current problems facing Europe, such as migration and economic crisis, say a lot about the current zeitgeist. By drawing on a wide range of groups, Bade’s sculpture is an attempt to answer the question: what would a frieze of our time look like?

Through workshops and a continuous studio, David Bade, the New Europeans and the respective groups will collaborate on the sculpture, each inscribing it with their own ideas and stories. At the end of April, the work on this temporary and incomplete installation will finish and the resulting piece will stand as a monument of our time, a beautiful moment frozen for eternity.

"what would a frieze of our time look like?"


Would you like to add a story, a drawing or a moment from the news or from your personal history to the frieze? Come and visit the open studio of David Bade and join one of the workshops.

Both groups (8-15 people) and individuals are welcome to join. From Tuesday April 12th until Tuesday April 19th there are 2 workshops a day, guided by Bade, in the morning 10-12AM and afternoon 2-4AM. For the groups it could be families or colleagues or people joined together because of a common interest or shared identity.

Part of the ideas and sketches will be presented during the process on prints and a large videoscreen. In the final week Bade will finish the sculpture in collaboration with some of the participants. The opening of the frieze will take place on Friday April 29th.


The workshop is free and previous experience is not necessary. Please register by sending an e-mail to hello@neweuropeans.org with your preferred date, contact details and how many people will come. You’ll then receive an e-mail confirmation with more information.

Lead image: David Bade
