
In the course of the Summer months New Europeans will transform into European Echo.


European Echo

An offshoot of the New Europeans project, European Echo is a blog that aims to critique the current state of European society and to offer a way of writing and speaking about Europe which goes beyond the dry representation offered by the European political establishment. Europe, it’s history and it’s meaning, is too complex and layered to be defined by an economic free trade area, European Echo aims to capture more accurately what Europe is and what everyday life is like for ordinary Europeans. In pursuit of this goal, the blog aims to foster the kind of storytelling culture which Europe is so badly in need of.


New Europeans project

European Echo arose from the New Europeans project which began in January 2016 as one part of the Europe by People programme, a cultural project timed to coincide with the six-month-long Dutch EU presidency. Composed of twelve “creators and thinkers” New Europeans was assembled to make a series of artistic interventions, events and journalism on the subject of Europe, with an exhibition space situated just outside the Marineterein, where EU-summits would be held.

This site also serves as a repository of all the things that were written during this six month period, about Europe and about our projects. As we continue to make sense of all the things we did in the six months




Charlie Clemoes



Charlien Adriaenssens

Wael el-Allouche

Stefan Auberg

Anna Berkhof

Andreea Breazu

Devika Gauri

Elisa Grasso

Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries

Freja Kir

Paolo Patelli

Tessa de Vries


Curator of the New Europeans project

Pjotr de Jong (Vandejong)


Team leaders New Europeans

Radna Rumping and Mark Minkjan (Non-fiction)

Contact New Europeans: hello@neweuropeans.org