Charlie Clemoes Charlie Clemoes (26) Charlie likes ratatouille, the Reumann-Hof housing complex in Vienna and Militant Care. He wants to discover new forms of of society that are taking shape across Europe.

Blackboard Prophesies #1

The first in a series plotting the various prophesies provided on the blackboard at the test site.

16 February 2016, Amsterdam

Democracy in Europe Debate, Live from Berlin – Review

Charlie reviews the Democracy in Europe debate, which we screened at the Wall last Monday

15 February 2015, Greece

OXI and its Aftermath

Last July the Greek people rejected austerity in a national referendum called by the their prime minister Alexis Tsipras. Have we felt the full effect of the Greek people’s heroic stand? What more do we need to do to return Europe to its people?

11 February 2016, Amsterdam

A Toast in Progress

Charlie reports on our first Euro Toast, an attempt to reach out and talk Europe with people passing by the containers

11 February 2016, Amsterdam

Euro Toast: Free Toasties at the Containers

From 1230-2 today, and hopefully every Thursday, we will be serving toasties, no money required. But as the saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. However, if you venture some thoughts on Europe, a story or an idea, we’ll definitely give you a toastie. Join us at Kattenburgerstraat 5!

8 February 2016, Amsterdam

City-Makers Pre-Summit – Review

Charlie gives a broader review of the City-Makers Pre-Summit

04 February 2016, Berlin/Amsterdam

EU Alternatives with Yanis Varoufakis – Live Screening

On February 8 our screen at The Wall will stream a discussion between Yanis Varoufakis, Marisa Matias, Slawomir Sierakowski and Valentina Orazzini live from Berlin one day ahead of the launch of the new movement DiEM25 by Yanis Varoufakis.

31 January 2016, Amsterdam

Open Classroom #1 EU Symbolism – A Review

Last week Dr Russell Foster of UvA’s Deparment of European Studies came to talk about EU symbols for our first Open Classroom, here is our reaction.

28 January 2016, Amsterdam

EU Symbolism Slideshow: Some Explanations

Elisa prepared a slideshow for our open classroom on European symbolism, here we explain the choice of slides

25 January 2016, Amsterdam

Luke Jerram’s Flag Machine: Interview

In advance of our open classroom “Searching for a New European Symbolism”, Charlie spoke to Bristol-based artist Luke Jerram about his “Flag Machine”

20 January 2016, Amsterdam

Dining Out at the Witte Boei Community Restaurant

On Monday evening, three of us went to the neighbourhood restaurant at the Witte Boei community centre on the Eastern Islands, to make friends and enjoy the delicious Turkish food on offer

15 January 2016, Amsterdam

The Problem with Border Protection

As a recent article by Benoît Breville shows, EU leaders’ talk of building more border protection fails to question their necessity