Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries (32) Domenique likes Bosnia, Polish Pierogi and The Salt of the Earth. He wants to provoke people to approach social themes from other perspectives.

Practices in occult EU influence

We have located an important site in which to magickally reshape the future of European society.

Eurowine #3 – Yeast, Europe, and Economics

Charlie discusses the link between the yeast in Domeniques Eurowine and the economy

26 February 2016

Eurowine #2 – Swedish Moonshine and the EU flag

Charlie explains the connections between Swedish moonshine and the EU flag, borne out by Domeniques Eurowine

, Amsterdam

Vote for our next artistic intervention

What art project should New European Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries work on next? Come vote on February 26!